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mia klavon

Featured here is a drawing I made 20 years ago. It's traditional/digital Mixed media. I donated the original to a fundraiser for designer Pete Fectaeu, who is in the Guinness Book of World Records for creating the largest mural made entirely out of Rubix cubes.

I used to create dark, creepy female subjects, (ironic considering I can't stomach horror films). While before I used to try to paint moody art, it's never my intention these days. I care more about the cleanliness and the simplicity of each painting than I do the emotion behind it. I never imagine the finished product to have any dark undertones. It just sort of subconsciously happens with most of my paintings. As a whole, my portfolio is still pretty moody which I think takes a unique spin on its subject matter. The emotion and textures in my body of work toe the line of fine art and illustration now whereas before, I was restricted to one genre of illustration.

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